Rajendra Tapadia an esteemed and senior member of KMIT, who also is currently the director of Seva Free and Confidential Counseling Centre, conducted the following seminars for students and Faculty Webinars for Students
“Self-care is how you take your power back.” This formed the core of the session that was conducted for students on 28 May 2021. The session was delivered online via Telescope for students of all years.
This session outlined how best to adapt to these uncertain situations. The webinar was organised on 2nd August, 2020 and delivered via Telescope. It was attended by II, III & IV year students.
This session outlined how best to deal with anxiety, manage time, meet deadlines, prioritise responsibilities and maintain a healthy mind. The webinar was organised on 9nd August, 2020 and delivered via Telescope. It was attended by faculty members of all Departments.
The webinar was organised on 18th August, 2020 and delivered via Telescope. It was attended by over 1400 students.
Students, Faculty and Staff alike have access to Dr Madhu Varma, a counsellor who’s available by appointment on Wednesdays and Fridays at 2:00 p.m. in campus. Alternatively, a telephonic session can be arranged. Please contact Block E for the same.
The college needn’t be the only resource for MH counselling. Faculty, Students and Staff are advised and encouraged to look at the following sources
Manodarpan - a website created by the MoE in order to provide psychological support
for mental health and well-being. The website offers advice, practical suggestions,
guidelines for psychological support, FAQs and even has an online query system.
You can access the website here -
- http://manodarpan.mhrd.gov.in/
Practical tips to take care your mental health during the Stay-In:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHB3WJsLJ8s&feature=youtu.be
Minding our minds during the COVID-19
- https://www.mohfw.gov.in/pdf/MindingourmindsduringCoronaeditedat.pdf
Various Health Experts on how to manage Mental health & Well Being during COVID-19 outbreak
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuKhtSehp24&feature=youtu.be
National Toll-free Helpline – 8445440632
Behavioural Health: Psycho Social Toll free Helpline - 0804611007