Photos by : Traces of Lenses club
We at KMIT are proud of having an exceptionally efficient and modern IT system. The whole campus is Wi-Fi. The institute boasts 18 world class spacious computer labs for CSE department having H.P. and Dell Computer systems along with the latest software. Our labs are equipped with powerful backup 24*7, air-conditioned and WiFi enabled. The computer lab remains open from 8.30 am to 6.00 pm, and after that WiFi proves to be of advantage to the students.
Computer Networks Lab: The main purpose of the lab is to learn basic concepts of computer networking and acquire practical notions of protocols with the emphasis on TCP/IP. The lab provides a practical approach to Ethernet/Internet networking; networks are assembled, and experiments are made to understand the layered architecture and how do some important protocols work.
Data Mining Lab: The main objective of this lab is to impart the knowledge on how to implement classical models and algorithms in data warehousing and data mining and to characterize the kinds of patterns that can be discovered by association rule mining, classification and clustering.
Data Structures through C++ Lab: The main purpose is to study fundamental data structures, their design, implementation, efficiency and in solving problems.
Java Programming Lab: The purpose of this lab is to understand fundamentals of object-oriented programming in Java, including defining classes, invoking methods, using class libraries, etc.
Operating Systems Lab: This lab will introduce the basic principles in Operating System and providing error detection methods. It will cover all the management modules present in the OS like process management, Memory management, File management, Disk management, Network management, I/O management.
Database Management systems Lab: The major objective of this lab is to provide a strong formal foundation in database concepts, technology and practice to the participants to groom them into well-informed database application developers.
Software Engineering Lab: It will enable us to learn the Rational Rose tool employed in the software development life cycle, which makes the process of requirement modeling easy to understand and implement requirements. Rational Rose is the tool which will be used for the requirement modeling.
Web Technologies Lab: The objective of this lab is to develop an ability to design and implement static and dynamic website
Machine Learning using Python Lab: Machine Learning using Python Programming Lab focuses on Measures of Descriptive Statistics, Exploratory Data Analysis, and implementation of Supervised Machine learning Algorithms on Regression and Classification problems using Python Programming.
Competitive Programming Lab: The main objective of this lab is to impart the knowledge on Sliding window, Two pointer approach problems, Bit manipulation for compression, encryption, optimization, and the application of various algorithm such as Tree, Tries, Graphs,topological sort and disjoint sets using java programming.
Cloud Computing Lab: The purpose of this lab is to understand the AWS Cloud mechanism, Use the architecture of Amazon's storage, service and delivery models,Analyze the core issues of cloud computing, Develop PAAS and CICD applications.
Front End Web Development Lab: The objective of this lab is to develop an ability to design and implement static and dynamic website
Project Stage-I: The objective of this lab is to complete Requirements, Analysis & Design Phases of the Project
Project Stage-II: The objective of this lab is to complete coding / Implementation and Testing of the Project