keshav memorial institute of technology

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** KMIT is immensely proud to announce Ms. G. Hasini,(22BD1A660H), 3rd Year AIML Student! daughter of Mr. Rambabu, has achieved an incredible milestone by being selected for the BCCI Senior Women’s One Day Cricket Team!  **Documents to be submitted at the time of submission: - ECET-2024- Click Here . Documents to be submitted at the time of submission - EAPCET 2024, Click Here**Webinar on Security and Privacy Issues in the World of Cryptocurrencies and Modern mobile Oses clickhere for poster. on 06th April 2024 . Organized by Departments of CSE & IT. Resource Person for the event is Dr. Ankit Gangwal. 

**KMIT is proud to announce that Ms SreeLaya, an IT student of 2023 batch, bagged an international offer with Amazon, Dublin, for a pay package of 154,300 euros ( 1.2 cr rupees pa). We wish her all the best for her future    **Four project proposals by our students Nischal Singhi, Srinivas Yadav, Akash Konda, and P Sai Varshith were accepted by GSoC. Congratulations and best wishes to them.

Publications & Projects CSE

SNo Name Of The Journal Author/co-Authors Title Volume/issue Year ISSN NO
1IEEEDr J SreedharRecommendation of Electronic Mobile Gadgets using Infused Decision Score with Mobile Radiation and Federated Sentiment ScorePP(99)20240098-3063
2BS PublicationsDr.Ajeet K. JainCognitive Horses of Deep Learning: Regularization and Optimization Practices-20249789395038744
3Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and CommunicationsDr. B. KiranmaiEnergy efficient congestion control scheme based on Modified Harris Hawks Optimization for heavy traffic Wireless Sensor NetworksVolume 64,Issue 42023
4Journal of Data acquisition and processingDr. M ShailajaCNN Algorithm for breast cancer detection of mammogram imagesVolume 38,Issue 420231004-9037
5International Journal of Agriculture and BiosciencesDr. B. KiranmaiComparative Analysis Association and Prediction of Various Phenotypic Traits of Oryza SativaVolume 12,Issue 42023277–283
6IEEEDr. B. KiranmaiFace and Object Detection Algorithms for People Counting Applications-2023979-8-3503-4023-5
7IEEEDr. B. Kiranmai,Dr B JyoshnaAbnormal Behavior Detection to Avoid Attacks in Cloud based on Association Rules-2023979-8-3503-4023-5
8CVR Journal of Science and TechnologyDr.Ajeet K. JainImplementing a Linear Regression Gradint Descent Model for Admission Process FrameworkVolume. 2420232277-3916
9Original Scientific PaperD ChamplaEnergy Efficient Multi-hop routing scheme using Taylor based Gravitational Search Algorithm in Wireless Sensor NetworksVolume 14,Issue 032023333
10JATITMs. Masarat SabaEnhancing Agile Development with security integration:Introducing the HSSCRUM Framework for optimised and secure software developmentVolume 101,Issue 2120231992-8645
11IJRITCCDr .T SunilAn Efficient Information Extraction Mechanism with Page Ranking and a Classification Strategy based on Similarity Learning of Web Text DocumentsVolume 11,Issue 820232321-8169
12IJRITCCK L S Srisha,Rupa DeviExploiting And Estimating Malware Using Feature Impact Derived From API Call Sequence LearningVolume 11,Issue 1020238684
13IJRITCCK L S SrishaGBJOF: Gradient Boosting Integrated with Jaya Algorithm to Optimize the Features in Malware AnalysisVolume 11,Issue 8520237235
14YMERG Rakesh ReddyData Hiding and Analysis of Security Access in Cloud-Fog Storage EnvironmentVolume 22,Issue 102023: 0044-0477
15SpringerDr .T SunilExploring the landscape of sentiment analysis and opinion mining-2023-
16SpringerDr .T SunilEvaluating Security Risks and Protecting Conversational AI: An In-Depth Vulnerability Assessment and Security Testing of the ChatGPT Android Application-2023-
SNo Name Of The Journal Author/co-Authors Title Volume/issue Year ISSN NO
1ECBDr J SreedharAI Assisted Decision Making Model for Supply Chain ManagementVolume 12,Issue S320231337-1344
2IJRITCCMr Para UpendarA New Term Representation Method for Gender and Age PredictionVolume 11,Issue 5S20232321-8169
3Industrial Engineering JournalMasarrat SabaAn Artificial Intelligence (AI) Enabled Framework For Cyber Security using Machine Learning TechniquesVolume 52, Issue 220230970-2555
4GIS Science JournalMasarrat SabaMachine Learning Framework for Automatic Classification of Text DocumentsVolume 10, Issue 320231869-9391
5IJATCSEP NiranjanDetection of Textual Propaganda using Passive aggressive classifierVolume 12, Issue 0220232278-3091
6IEEEDr. M SrinivasNetBIOS DDoS Attacks Detection With Machine Learning Classification Algorithms-2023979-8-3503-9648-5
7WileyD ChamplaDL-DC: Deep learning-based deadline constrained load balancing techniqueVolume 35, Issue 262023e7839
8Computer Integrated Manufacturing SystemsDr.Ajeet K. JainPragmatic Assessment of Optimizers in Deep LearningVolume 28, Issue. 1220221006-5911 pp. 1817 – 1847
9IEEEB. MadhurikaImplementation of Sentiment Analysis System using DLCNN based Opinion Miningpp. 7–102022978-1-6654-8962-1
10IEEEB. MadhurikaA Systematic Review on Artificial Intelligencebased Opinion Mining ModelsCFP22BV82022978-1-6654-8231-8
SNo Name Of The Journal Author/co-Authors Title Volume/issue Year ISSN NO
1JECADr.B Kiranmai,Dr. Jyoshna Bejjam,Dr.G NarenderA Novel approach for Masquerader Attack Detection System using KBANN algorithm in Multi Level CloudVolume 12, Issue 720221934-7197
2SpringerC S R PrabhuA Novel Application Framework for Resource optimization, Service Migration and Load Balancing in Fog computing EnvironmentVolume 112022
3GIS Science JournalM NarsimluAn Innovative Research for fraud detection of real time financial data using predictive Analysis as a part of Flask Web frameworkVolume 9, Issue 720221869-9391
4GIS Science JournalM NarsimluAn Innovative Approach to predict leading Advertisement of customers in Digital Marketing using Particle Swarm Optimized Neural NetworkVolume 9, Issue 620221869-9391
5NOVYI MIR Research JournalM NarsimluDetection of faulty online reviews using predictive Analysis with Natural language process in Techniques and Flask Web FrameworkVolume 07, Issue 0820220130-7673
6Congress on Intelligent SystemsN ChanderComparitive Analysis on Deep Learning Models for Detection of Anamolies and Leaf Disease Prediction in Cotton Plant DataVolume 6082022pp 263–273
7IIETADr.Kishore BabuDetection of Different DDoS Attacks Using Machine Learning Classification Algorithms.Volume 26,Issue 05202289-97
8IIETADr.Kishore BabuTCP/UDP-Based Exploitation DDoS Attacks Detection Using AI Classification Algorithms with Common Uncorrelated Feature Subset Selected by Pearson, Spearman and Kendall Correlation MethodsVolume 36,Issue 01202261-71
9IIETADr.Kishore BabuDetection of TCP-Based DDoS Attacks with SVM Classification with Different Kernel Functions Using Common Uncorrelated Feature SubsetsVolume 12,Issue 022022pp. 239–249
10IJACSAR V GandhiDomain Human Recognition Techniques using Deep LearningVolume 13, Issue. 062022978-1-6654-5637-1
11IJERTDr.B KiranmaiTechniques for Rice Leaf Disease Detection using Machine Learning AlgorithmVolume 09,Issue 0820212278-0181
12IJERTDr.B KiranmaiTranscript Factors Associated with Disease Resistance in Plants and Their Potential for Crop ImprovementVolume 09,Issue 0920212278-0182
13Desighn EngineeringDr.B Kiranmai,Dr.G NarenderAn Update Review on CRISPR/CAS9 based Gene Editing in PlantsIssue 0820210011-9342
14International Information and Enginering Technology AssciationDr. V. SreenivasuluImage Based Classification of Rumor Information from the Social Network PlatformVolume 38,Issue 0520211258-5769
15SpringerC S R PrabhuLoad Balancing in the Fog Nodes using Particle Swarm optimisation-based enhanced Dynamic resource allocation methodVolume 13,Issue 032021
SNo Name Of The Journal Author/co-Authors Title Volume/issue Year ISSN NO
1IAEME(IJARET)Banoth AnanathramA Survey Of Secure Cloud Storage Mechanism: Challenges and Its SolutionsVolume 12, Issue 120210976-6499
2IJMMadduri NarsimluCase Study:Identifying the Best Digital Media Based on Lead Conversions of Digital Marketing Data Using Decision Tree AlgorithmVolume 12, Issue 0120210976-6502
3Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and RehabilitationC S R Prabhu Migration of conmtainerised Microservices in the FOG Computing EnvironmentVolume 32, Issue 03 20212651-4451
4JGE(journal of green engineering) Challa Sundeep Babu Environment Safe Modelling of Automatic Helmet Detection using SVM Techniques Volume 11, Issue 02 20211511-1524
5Jijnasa R.V.Gandhi Data Mining Intellegince With Big Data Analytics Volume 38, Issue 04 20210337-743X
6JOICS R.V.Gandhi,Kota Harini E-Learning with ML Applications Volume 11, Issue 02 20211548-7741
7Springer C S R Prabhu Load Balancing in the Fog Nodes using Particle Swarm optimisation-based enhanced Dynamic resource allocation method Volume 11, Issue 07 2021
8Innovative Research Consultancy Springer Dr.S Padmaja Feature Impact on Sentiment Extraction of TEnglish Code Mixed Movie Tweets 487-493 2021978-16-1502-3_48
9IJM M Narsimlu, M Sheshu Kumar Futuristic Research on Digital Marketing Data to identify leads using Predictive Analytics Volume 12, Issue 06 20210976-6502
10Web of Science K L S Sirisha Prevent the Source code from Software reverse Engineering using Hybrid Techniques Volume 14, Issue 0120212005-4262
11IJGDC A Gnanesh SMQA:Similarity Nodes Query Algorithm Based on Large Dynamic Evolution of Graph Volume 12, Issue 02 20212005-4262
12NCWISET(Web of Science Journal) Rupa Devi Network Intrusion Detection System using KNN and Naive BAYES Classifier Volume 12, Issue 07 20218226 - 8235
13IJAS V Archana Reddy Heart Disease Classification and Risk Prediction by using Convolutional Neural Network Volume 12, Issue 02 20212008-8019
14Springer S Padmaja Text Processing of Code Mixed Telugu-English Twitter Data pp 147-155 20201860-4749
15JESV.Vidyasagar, R.V.Gandhi, T.Spandana,Pandemic EHR Management Using Big Data ApplicationsVol 11, Issue 7 (UGC)20200377-9254
16IJGDCGandhiThe Automate Process of Plant Disease Detection and Classification from an Image Based on Artificial Neural NetworkVolume 13, Issue 220202005-4262
17Journal of Science Technology and DevelopmentKethineni Venkateswarlu, Dr. P. PavankumarImplementing HOG features to Recognize Multilingual Characters in Machine LearningVolume 9 Issue VII20200950-0707
18The Journal of Information and Computational ScienceChalla Sundeep Babu, G AparnaBlood Pressure Prediction using Machine Learning algorithmsVolume 10, Issue 920201548-7741
19MJCSC S R PrabhuFog Analytics:A SurveyIssue 12020NA
20Strad Research Dr. G. Narender,M. Sreelaxmi,Dr. P. Pavan KumarAn Information Query retrieving analysis structure using Adaptive engine Interpretation Volume 7, Issue 6, 20200039-2049
21AIJREASGaddeboina SureshTopological Secure Routing Paths in software switched networksVolume 54, Issue 220202455-6300
22IJARETCharan Singh, Dr. P. Pavan Kumar, Naveen KumarAnalysis of Light weight smart Authentication Protocol Schemes for Effective Communication in smart EnvironmentVolume 11, Issue 1220200976-6480 0976-6499
23Journal of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of barodaArshiya BegumDeep learning techniques for visual navigation of unmanned ground vehiclesVolume 54, Issue 220200025-0422
24I Web of Science(STRAD Research)Kota Harini, Gayathri TippaniPruning of automated waste called Sequencer in Machine learningVolume 7, Issue 1120200039-2049
25IJSRNenavath ChanderBlock Chain for Health Records Sysytem Storage using Attribute-Based signatureVolume 9, Issue 1220202319-7064
26IJARETMerugu SwethaFeature Recognition : A contemporary Survey of Growing needs blended with Machine Learning for surveillance,Security and Intelligent SystemsVolume 11, Issue 1220200976-6480
27Journal of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of barodaShailaja, B Manasa, T SpandanaGlobal Atlas for Pandemic data analysisVolume 54, Issue 220200025-0422
28JES (Journal of Engineering Sciences)G VenkateswarluA Taxonomy of Security Services in Security - attacks Through Artificial Intelligencevol 11, Issue 720200377-9254
29JGE(journal of green engineering)B.JyoshnaShoo in: A novel key generation in cloudVolume 10, Issue 920206561-6568
30Intelligent Systems and Computing 993Prabhu CSR, Gandhi R, Jain A K, Lalka VS, Thottempudi SG, Prasada Rao PVRDA Novel Approach to Extend KM Models with Object Knowledge Model (OKM) and Kafka for Big Data and Semantic Web with Greater Semantics NA2020NA
31IAEMESrinivas MekalaKernal PCA Based dimensionality reduction techniques for pre processing of telugu text documents for cluster analysisVolume 11, Issue 1120200976-6499
32ICCIDET.V.DivyaA Walk Through Various Paradigms for Fake News Detection on Social MediaVolume 56, Edition 120202367-4512
33JOURNAL OF CRITICAL REVIEWSDr. S.V. VasanthaPath-Hop Based Secure AODV To Detect Black-Hole And Gray-Hole Attacks in MANETVol 7, Issue 1820202394-5125
34JGE (Journal of green engineeringB.jyoshnaSecure remote health care application in Green cloud environmentVol 10, Issue 920202245-4586
35IJGDC Dr.P.Pavankumar, Dr.G.Narender,B.Varsha SCCN: Security in Controller of Computer Networks for Generating Dynamic ID Virtualization Volume 13, Issue 02 20202005-4262
36ICRCSIT(Sambodhi) R.V.Gandhi,K. Sairam,Kota Harini An effective improvement on selection process in DNA Data. Volume 43, Issue 03 2020978-93-80831-66-4
37JOICS P.Veeranjaneyulu Green IOT application using relaxation based algorithm Volume 11, Issue 02 20201548-7741
38IJATCSE Challa Sundeep Babu A UI based Co-relational Analysis for Diabetic Prognosis using SVM Techniques Volume 9, Issue 05 20202278-3091
39International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering B Madhurika AirLine Tweets Sentiment Analysis using RNN and LSTM TechniquesVolume 9, Issue 5 20202278-3091
40European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine Dr.Rajasekaran Subramanian , Dr.Devika Rubi, R.Gayathri Lakshmi (Research Intern) , Priyal Jain (Research Intern) , Sai Rohith Kanneganti (Research Intern) Breast Cancer Lesion Detection & Clasification in Radiology Images using Deep Learning Volume 7, Issue 3 20202515-8260
41European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine Dr.R.Devika Rubi, Dr.Rajasekaran Subramanian, Srinivas Yadav (Research Intern) , Vijaya Bhargavi (Research Intern) Automatic Identification of Covid-19 regions on CT-images using Deep Learning Volume 7, Issue 4 20202515-8261
42IP Journal of Diagnostic Pathology and Oncology Dr Rajasekaran Subramanian, Dr R. Devika Rubi, Abhay Krishna Kasavaraju (Research Intern), Samayk Jain (Research Intern), Swathi Guptha (Research Intern), Suraj Raghavendra Pingali (Research Intern) Automatic classification of sentinel lymph node (SLN) metastases in breast carcinoma whole slide image (WSI) through densenet deep learning network 5(2):144–150 20202581-3714
43IP Journal of Diagnostic Pathology and Oncology Dr Rajasekaran Subramanian, Dr R. Devika Rubi , Sai Sandeep Mutyala (Research Intern) Automatic carcinoma identification from breast epithelial tissue WSI through U-Net deep learning network 5(2):163-168 20202581-3715
SNo Name Of The Journal Author/co-Authors Title Volume/issue Year ISSN NO
1SpringerDr. S Padmaja,NikitaSentiment Extraction from Bilingual Code Mixed Social Media TextVolume 10792020978-981-15-1097-7
2JECAMr. Appireddy V. Nagireddy , Nellore Sudha and Kethineni VenkateswarluAnalytical Procedure for Sentiment Analysis in Opinion MiningVolum 10 Issue 220201934-7197
3PARISHODHR V GandhiAI And ML Techniques for Detection of pandemicsVolume 9, Issue 320202347-6648(UGC)
4IJRTED Sai Eswari,Varsha BoredaKey Management and Cryptography in Wireless Sensor NetworksVolume 8, Issue 520202277-3878
5JARDCDr.CSR PrabhuLive Resource Estimation, Optimization and Allocation in the Fog Computing Environment for Migrated Container Services,Volume 12 Issue 22020DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I2/S20201213
6GISDr.CSR PrabhuLive Service Migration using Containers in Fog Computing Environment,VOLUME 7, ISSUE 10, 202020201056-1065
7IJARETJyoshna B. and K. SubramanyamTime conserving secured cloud data storage solution based on keccak and elliptic curve cryptographyVolume 10, Issue 520190976-6499
8IJRTEJyoshna B. and K. SubramanyamAvant-garde: A Cryptographic Enciphering Method to Secure Data in CloudVolume 7, Issue 5S420192277-3878
9GJCSTDr.Gorti V N K V SubbaraoSecurity solutions for IOT devicesVolume 19, Issue I20190975-4172
10American Scientific PublishersDr. CSR PrabhuA Survey on Deep Learning Techniques for Prognosis and Diagnosis of Cancer from Microarray Gene Expression DataVolume 16, Issue 12201915461955
11IJSRCSEM ShankerUse Case: Smart Contract for Lease Agreements using Blockchain TechnologyVol 7, Issue 620192320-7639
12IJMIEDr. G. China Babu, M. Sumathi RaniImpact of Internet of Things (IOT) in the Retail Sector:Opportunities, Challenges and Future TrendsVolume 9, Issue 520192249-0558
13Journal of Science , Technology and DevelopmentSirisha K L SWeb Services and Distributed Computing Technology for Service Oriented ArchitectureVolume 8 Issue 1220190950-0707
14Journal of Science , Technology and DevelopmentSirisha K L SWeb Service Test Case Reconfiguration Framework for Automatic Adaption to ChangesVolume 8 Issue 1220190950-0707
15CONRACS19Ajeet K Jain, M. SwethaCrtiticality of Role of Optimizers in Machine Learning Techniques* submitted at a conference2019978-93-88808-31-6
16Traitment du SignalDr. Wazid and Dr.V.SreenivasuluImage Based Tumor Cells Identification Using Convolutional0Neural Networks and Auto EncodersVolume 36 No: 520190765-0019
17IEEEDr. CSR PrabhuSurvey on Service Migration, load optimization and Load Balancing in Fog Computing EnvironmentN/A2019978-1-5386-8075-9
18SpringerDr. S PadmajaText Processing of Telugu-English Code Mixed LanguagesVolume 32019ISBN 978-3-030-24321-0
19IJCSEDr. S PadmajaAnalyzing Sentiment and Determining Negation Scope in Political NewsVol.7, Issue 102019E-ISSN: 2347-2693
SNo Name Of The Journal Author/co-Authors Title Volume/issue Year ISSN NO
1IJNLCS PadmajaScore-based Sentiment Analysis of Book Reviews in Hindi LanguageVol.7, No.52018ISSN:2278-1307[Online] ;2319-4111[Print]
2JETIRSrinivas MekalaDimensionality Reduction in Natural Language Text document using PCA TechniquesVolume 5, Issue 1220182349-5162
3Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control SystemsB. JyotsnaA Frame Work for Data Locking in CloudVol. 10, 04 (Special Issue)2018N/A
4OIIRJR V GandhiBig Graph Data Management and AnalyticsVolume 8, Issue 220182 2 4 9 - 9598(UGC)
5IJSRCAMST Charan Singh,Challa Sundeep BabuHANA : High Performance Analytical Appliance and Performance Evaluation in Bigdata AnalyticsVolume 7, Issue 420182319-1953
6IJCS - Wiley Online LibraryS V VasanthaInvincible AODV to Detect Black hole and Gray hole attacks in Mobile Adhoc NetworksVol. 31, No. 620181099-1131
7IJPAMP. PavankumarCBIR: Classification based Association Rules and Approaches in Data MiningVolume 119 No. 1620181311 - 8080
8IJRARP. PavankumarItemset Generation in Trained Data Sets Using Classification Based Association Rule MiningVolume 5, Issue 320182348-1269
9JETIRP. PavankumarText Mining Classification Approaches for Association Rule Mining Set Valued AttributesVolume 5, Issue 920182349-5162
10IJSRCSAMSP. PavankumarCombination of Classification and Association Rule Mining Approaches in Text Mining for Generating ModelVolume 7, Issue 620182319-1953
11IJCRTSrikanth GDesign Of 0.6V Low Power High Gain Single Ended Two Stage CMOS Operational AmplifierVolume 5, Issue 420182320-2882
12IJCRTSrikanth GImplementing Internet of Things (IOT) Usuing Raspberry PIVolume 5, Issue 420182320-2882
13JETIRMr. G. Venkateswarlu, Mr. Kesoju Sairam, Mr. V. Rajashekar ReddyA Decision Making system Analysis in Artificial IntelligenceVolume 5 Issue 1220182349-5162
14IJPAMKishore Babu DasariDefence MechanismsVolume 120, No 620181314-3395
15IJRECERathan kumar ChennoriDetection of Review spam and Review Spammers groupVolume 6 Issue 420182348-2281
16IJETB.KiranmaiComparative analysis ofvarious ensemble classifiersusing ensemble feature selection for detecting and preventing trespassers in hybrid cloud (PDECC)Volume 7, Issue 420182933-2939
17IJRT V DivyaReliable Static Analysis Techniques to Detect Mobile Malicious WebpagesVolume 5, Issue 220182348-6848
18IJSRCSAMST V DivyaEnhance Deployment of Cloud Applications and Service ModelsVolume 7, Issue 320182319 – 1953
19IJSARTT V DivyaTime Series Analysis Indexing Methods: Survey” in IJSARTVolume 4, Issue 120182395-1052
20SpringerDr. K. Udai KumarGraphical Structure of Bayesian Networks by Eliciting metal models of expertsVolume 772018Conference Submission
SNo Name Of The Journal Author/co-Authors Title Volume/issue Year ISSN NO
1CSI-SIGMOD_VisleshanaS PadmajaTextual Analysis of Big Data with Object Knowledge Model: A Knowledge Representation frameworkVolume 2 No 22018N/A
2IJSARTDr. G.Narender,P. PavankumarData Aggregation / Clustering Algorithm Evolutions : A ReviewVolume 4, Issue 220182395-1052
3IJSARTT V Divya, Swetha, T.Gayathri1.Enhanced Deployment of cloud Applications and Service ModelsVolume 7, Issue 320182319 – 1953
4JETIRR V GandhiIOT for AgricultureVol.5, Issue 5,20182349-5162
6IJSRCSAMSM.Ratnakar babuColor-Based Image Region Segmentation using Greedy Global Optimization StrategyVolume 7, Issue 420182319 – 1953
7IJSARTT Spandana,P PavankumarA Novel Steganographical approach to Text Message Hiding using Break Security MethodVolume 3, Issue 1020172395-1052
8IJOAASEP PavankumarText Mining using Clustering and Classifier Approach in Data MiningVolume 6 Issue 1220172320-6144
9IJSARTP PavankumarContemplate of Feature Reduction using Non Parametric Statistics using Data Mining AlgorithmsVolume 3, Issue 1120172395-1052
10IEEEM.NarsimluAn Innovative Research on Augmented reality to Control Status of Physical Light using MAYA as part of IoTN/A2017978-1-5386-0569-1$31.00
11IJCMSG.AparnaA Survey on Supervised Classification Techniques in Machine learningVolume 6, Issue 1120172347 – 8527
12EAI (European Alliance for Innovation)CSR PrabhuOverview – Fog Computing and Internet of Things”, Research Article in EAI (European Alliance for Innovation) Endorsed Transactions on Cloud SystemsVolume 3, Issue 102017N/A
13IJSRCSEITK AnuradhaA Study on Efficiency of Data Mining Approaches to Online - Learning MethodsVolume 2, Issue 420172456-3307
14IJSRCSEITK AnuradhaMining the opinionative Web: Classification and Detection of aspect Contexts for Aspect primarily based Sentiment AnalysisVolume 2, Issue 320172456-3307
15JATITDr.M.A.WajeedAssessing Learning Paradigms in Text ClassificationVolume 95, Issue 820171992-8645
16IJSARTT.Gayathri,Veeranjaneyulu PagadalBig data analysis in traffic analysis presiction system using volatality modelvolume 3 Issue 1020172395-1052
17IJESRTDr.G.NarenderExploration of fault Tolerance strategies in dynamic cloud computing.20172277-9655
18IJSTD Sai EswariKnowledge discovery in tweets for the prevention of inference attacksVolume 10, Issue 3420170974-5645
19IJSTD Sai EswariImproved attribute based encryption scheme over integrated data access control structures in cloud computingVolume 10, Issue3420170974-5645
20IJSTD Sai EswariSSAAR: Enhanced spatial reusability for optimal path selection in wireless sensor networksVolume 10, Issue 3420170974-5645
21IJSETRN ChanderPrivacy Preserving Two Layer Encryption Delegated Access Control in Public CloudsVolume 6 Issue 920172319-8885
22IJITALK Bilahari, N ChanderThe Potentiality of Artificial Intelligence in Cyber SecurityVolume 5, Issue.1120172321-8665
23International Journal of ResearchAkhila VRemote Data IntegrityChecking System Using Client's Authorizationin CloudVolume 04 Issue 0720172348-6848
242017 International Conference on Transforming Engineering Education (ICTEE)Dr. Udai KumarEnhancing Engineering Education with WikispacesN/A2017N/A
SNo Name Of The Journal Author/co-Authors Title Volume/issue Year ISSN NO
1IJMTSTSamuel CheppuriEfficient Adjacent Neighbor Expansion Search KeywordVol 03 Special Issue 0120172455-3778
2IJMTSTSamuel Cheppuri, Shiva JyothiLanguage Expert-Rendering Unicode Text on ASCII Editor for Indian Languages with Language EngineVol 03 Special Issue 0120172455-3778
3IJSRDT SpandanaTraffic De-Correlation Methods for Countering a World Eavesdropper in Wireless Sensor NetworksVol 5, Issue 0620172321-0613
4LCMS springerB KiranmaiAn Innovative Approach of Detecting and Preventing Intruders in CloudVolume 7, Issue 52017NA
5IJETASirisha K L SService Oriented Architecture for Web Service Based ApplicationsVolume 4, Issue 62017NA
6IJETASirisha K L SA Framework for Web Service Creation, Consumption, Testing and Reconfiguration of Test CasesVolume 4, Issue 62017NA
7ijsrcsamsR V GandhiGraphic Analytics in Big Data: A Review on GRADOOPVolume 7, Issue 320172319 – 1953
8IJSARTGayathri TippaniBig Data Analysis in Traffic Analysis Prediction System Using Volatality ModelVolume 3, Issue 1020172395-1052
9IJSRCSEITBanoth AnantharamSecurity Issues in Various Cloud Computing : Solution and Occur-Rent SolutionsVolume 1, Issue 22016ISSN: 2456-3307
10IJOAASEP PavankumarText Mining with gathered dataset metadataVolume 5 Issue 1120162320-6144
11IJRRCCEP PavankumarA Review on Image Compression Techniques using K- Means and EM AlgorithmsVol 5, Issue 420162320-9801
12ICRIEATN Chander,ALK Bilahari,A GnaneshAn Assessment on Designing a Structure for Finding and Capturing of Association Attacks in Cloud EnvironmentNA2016978-1-5396-2645- 9
13IJSERSirisha K L SReview of the Present State- of-the -Art of Dynamic TestVolume 7, Issue 320162229-5518
14IJSERSirisha K L SReconfiguration of Composite Web ServicesVolume 7, Issue 320162229-5518
15IJRDOBanoth AnantharamOutliers Mining for Eject the Anomalies in Multi Dimensional Data Using Algorithm For Removing the Viscous Data in High Dimensional DataVolume 1, Issue 82016ISSN: 2456-1843
SNo Name Of The Journal Author/co-Authors Title Volume/issue Year ISSN NO
1IJIRCCEP Pavan kumar,T.GayathriCustomer Reviews and Analysis using Opinion Mining Adaptive AlgorithmVolume 4, Issue 420162320-9801
2ICTACSED Sai EswariSurvey paper on operating systemsNA2016NA
3IJRDOBanoth AnantharamMethodical Data Sharing with Big Data by Using an Aggregatable Name-Based Routing TechniqueVolume 1, Issue 82016ISSN: 2456-1843
4(iCATccT). IEEEKiranmai, B., and A. DamodaramExtenuate DDoS attacks in CloudNA2016NA
5International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software EngineeringShiva JyothiMultilingual Font Creation by Mapping Unicode to ASCIIVolume 5, Issue 920152277 128X
6ijsetr(International Journal of Scientific engineering and Technology Reasearch)G VenkateswarluSupporting Privacy Protection in Personalised Web Searchvolume 4, Issue 2820152319-8885
7IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing ResearchS.V. VasanthaBulwark AODV against Black hole and Gray hole attacks in MANETNA2015NA
8IJRITBanoth AnantharamA Tree Regression-Base Approach Designed For Vm Power Metering In Cloud ComputingVolume 3 Issue 92015ISSN2001-5569
9IJARCSMSAkhila VStudy and Analysis of Big Data in Cloud ComputingVolume 3, Issue 620152321-7782
10IJCSTV Chandra Sridevi, Ch.Sita KameswariLeakage-resilient Cryptosystem with efficient and flexible key delegation in Scalable Cloud StorageVolume 6, Issue 120152229-4333
11International Journal of Engineering and TechniquesM Shailaja and T JalajaA Comparative Study on Operational Database, Data Warehouse and Hadoop File SystemVolume I Issue 52015ISSN: 2395-1303
12IJCSITPrathibha Lanka,Ch.Sita KameswariA Novel Cryptographic Approach for preventing attacks in a NetworkVolume 9 Issue 920150975-9646
13IEEEDr. Udai KumarUsing Scrum and Wikis to manage student major projectsNA2015NA
SNo Project Title Project Type Research/Consultancy Funding Agency Amount Year
1A Multi GPU Implementation of Cerans SolverResearchDRDL, Hyd19.99 Lac
SNo Project Title Project Type Research/Consultancy Funding Agency Amount Year
1Cancer Imaging ProjectConsultancyDigi Clinics515872
2Summer of TechConsultancyBlue Sky Coding, Ghana3500USD
3CodeLabz -FrontEnd and BackEnd IntegrationConsultancyScore Lab3000USD
4CodeLabz- FrontEnd and BackEnd IntegrationConsultancyScore Lab3000USD
SNo Name of the faculty Project Title Project Type Research/Consultancy Funding Agency Amount Duration
1Dr.J.V.S Srinivas Object Detection and Tracking(ODT) in Infrared images with Application to Guidance and control ConsultancyDRDL9.85 lacs On going
2Mr.B.Ashok Face detection door lock system using raspberry pi Research KMIT Self Funded ongoing
3Mr.Anil kumar Automated face mask detection & temperature alert system Research KMITSelf Funded 2 months
4Mr.Vinay patankar Drone for Defense Application Research KMIT Self Funded On going
5Roman Musin,Stefan Müller Real-time Collaboration on a note Consultancy GSOC $1,500 3 Months
6Dr. Pradeeban Kathiravelu Emory University School of Medicine ConsultancyGSOC $1,500 3 Months
7Nanli Brandon Gallas caMicroscope ConsultancyGSOC$1,5003 Months
8Diephl Patrick,Nikunj Gupta For Vectrorization and SIMD parallism in Intel Processors, Parallel algorithms and HPC ConsultancyGSOC$1,5003 Months
SNo Name of the faculty Project Title Project Type Research/Consultancy Funding Agency Amount Duration
1Mr Ajeet K JainAI/ML TrainingConsultancyDRDL₹4.5L3 Months
2Prof. Neil GogteAI at the edge, GPUConsultancyDRDL₹4.5L6 Weeks
3Dr Devika Rubi
Dr Rajashekharan
4Mr. Kedar PhadkeE- Payment ServiceConsultancyCrime Free Bharat MP PoliceNA3 Months
5Mr. Kedar PhadkeSmart Investigation AppConsultancyCrime Free BharatNA3 Months
6Mr. Kedar PhadkeEvidence Requisition SystemConsultancyCrime Free Bharat MP PoliceNA3 Months
7Ms. Sireesha PuppulaBharat Crypto SignConsultancyCrime Free BharatNA3 Months
8Ms. Sireesha PuppulaDoshi Anveshan YantraConsultancyCrime Free BharatNA3 Months
9Dr Devika Rubi
Dr Rajashekharan
CAD4MBC with customizationResearch/Consultancy ProjectYashoda Hospitals/Indo AmericanExtension of the BIRAC prototype with customizationOngoing
SNo Name of the faculty Project Title Project Type Research/Consultancy Funding Agency Amount Duration
1Dr Devika Rubi
Dr Rajashekharan
CADCSponsored ProjectBIRAC₹50LOn going
2Mr. Kedar PhadkeE- Payment ServiceConsultancyCrime Free Bharat MP PoliceNA3 Months
3Mr. Kedar PhadkeSmart Investigation AppConsultancyCrime Free BharatNA3 Months
4Mr. Kedar PhadkeEvidence Requisition SystemConsultancyCrime Free Bharat MP PoliceNA3 Months
5Ms. Sireesha PuppulaBharat Crypto SignConsultancyCrime Free BharatNA3 Months
6Ms. Sireesha PuppulaDoshi Anveshan YantraConsultancyCrime Free BharatNA3 Months
7Ms. Sireesha PuppulaVirtual Police StationInnovation/EDCSIHNA3 Months
8Mr. Pavan
Mr. Sai Krishna
Kisaan portalInnovation/EDCKisan Forum Pvt Limited - SIH₹1L2 Months
9Prof. Vinay PatankarSpider RobotResearchKMITSelf FundedOn going
10Prof. Vinay PatankarWalking robotResearchKMITSelf FundedOn going
11Prof. Umesh GogteDiwali SoftConsultancyMarathi Granth Sangralay₹75K6 Months
12Prof. Vinay PatankarDNA separation machine controllerConsultancySIRF BIO₹81KOn going
13Prof. Vinay PatankarThermal Cycler and AnalyzerConsultancySIRF BIO₹70KOn going
14Prof. Vinay PatankarWalking robotResearchKMITSelf FundedOn going
15Burke MamlinOpenMRS AtlasResearchOpenMRS$5000 USD3 Months
16Daniel kaiwaOpenmrs – Condition ListResearchOpenMRS$5000 USD3 Months
SNo Name of the faculty Project Title Project Type Research/Consultancy Funding Agency Amount Duration
1Prof. Vinay PatankarAbhimanyu HumanoidResearchKMITSelf Funded1 year
2Prof. Bukka SatyanarayanaSmart And Friendly Irrigation System Using IOTResearchTeleparadigm₹30K3 Months
3Prof. Neil GogteFace Detection And Recognition In An Image:Ml ApproachConsultancyInferdata Software India P V T, L T D₹40K3 Months
4Prof. Vinay PatankarControl Systems LabResearchKMITSelf Funded4 Months
SNo Name of the faculty Project Title Project Type Research/Consultancy Funding Agency Amount Duration
1Prof. M SeshukumarChanges In Climate And GDP With Increment In The PopulationConsultancyInferdata Software India P V T, L T D₹3L1 year
2Prof. G Krishna SubramanyamDefect Tracking SystemConsultancyInferdata Software India P V T, L T D₹40K5 months
3Prof. Bukka SatyanarayanaIOT Based Home Security ModelConsultancyTeleparadigm₹3L1 Year
4Prof. A RavindarLora wireless module for smart farmsConsultancyTeleuniv Solutions₹65K6 Months
5Dr.Swapna BandariWoman Safety App using DroneConsultancyTelangana Government₹3L1 Year
SNo Name of the faculty Project Title Project Type Research/Consultancy Funding Agency Amount Duration
1Prof. BalakrishnaIOT Based Smart Led Street LightConsultancyNamo Jvc Engineers P V T.L T D₹40K3 Months
2Prof. Vinay PatankarUltrasonic Generator For Our Separator MachineConsultancyNamo Jvc Engineers P V T.L T D₹50K6 months
3Prof. Vinay PatankarSolar TrainerConsultancyRC-All TECH₹6L1 Year
4Prof. Vinay PatankarChemical Analysis Lab For OceanographyConsultancyNational Institute Of Oceanography₹60K6 Months
5Prof. Vinay PatankarEDC LabResearchKMITSelf Funded8 Months
6Prof. Vinay PatankarIOT Based solar Power Sensor And Controller System for Vertical GardenConsultancyHortus consultants₹87K8 Months
SNo Name of the faculty Project Title Project Type Research/Consultancy Funding Agency Amount Duration
1Prof. PVN Balarama MurthyDiabetic Prediction:Machine Learning WayConsultancyGenweb Technology P V T. L T D₹40K5 Months
2Mr K ChandrashekarDevelopment of IOT Based Message DisplayConsultancyGensis₹50K5 months
3Prof. Neil GogteAsserting Quality of Food ProductsConsultancyGenweb Technology P V T. L T D₹6L1 Year
SNo Name of the faculty Title Date of Publication
1Mr. A V Nagireddy, Mr.T Charan Singh,Mr.Nakka MaisaiahDriver Drowsiness Detecting Device Based on AI 22-08-2023
2Dr. M AnuradhaDeep Learning basedFlower Plucking Drones for Farmers26-12-2022
3Mr D ChamplaMachine Learning Based Confidence Tracking Device Of The Employee14-02-2023
4Dr.M AnuradhaIoT and Cloud Based smart women protection and security system with alert message or call to the control in voice sensing or recognizing the keywords or imotional words05-12-2022
6Dr.B.kiranmai, Dr.S.V.Vasantha, Ms.Maniza Hijab, Dr.B.Kiranmai, Dr. Medikonda Swapna, Dr.Fahmina Taranum, Ms.Afreen Sultana, Dr.Kotari Sridevi, Ms.Fouzia Sayeedunnisa, Ms.Afshan Kaleem, Ms.S.Yamuna RaniA SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR CONTROLLING DEPLOYMENT OF IOT DEVICES OVER WIRELESS NETWORKS WITH AN ADAPTIVE GATEWAY13-08-2021
7Dr. S V Vasantha, Dr. G. Narayana, Mrs. B. Suvarnamukhi, Mrs. Maniza Hijab, Mr. K. Murali Krishna, Dr. B. KiranmaiDEEP LEARNING BASED INSTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEM (DLIDS) FOR IOT NETWORKS IN SMART CITIES11-05-2021
9Ms.Madhurika BudarajuMachine Learning Based Eeg Signal Processing For Smart Patient11-06-2021
10Dr.S. PadmajaArtificial Intelligence Based Smart Baggage Disinfecting System In Public Transportation21-04-2021
11Dr. Pavan Kumar , Dr. Narendar, Ms B.Varsha , Mr.Nagireddy, Ms.Arshiya BegumSystem And The Method For Software Quality Prediction By Machine Learning18-12-2020
13Mr.Vidyasagar VidapuIot Based Muncipal Garbage Monitering System For Smart Cities12-06-2020
SNo Name of The Publisher Name of The Faculty Title Year of Publication ISBN/ISSN #
1Shree Publishing HouseP Upender,H MeenalData Communication and Computer Networks2024978-93-88196-84-0
2Shree Publishing HouseP Upender,K PriyankaComputer Organization2024978-93-88196-71-0
3SPRINGERB. Kiranmai,B. JyoshnaDetection of Accurate Gene Location for Modification or Replacement of DNA and True Guide Synthetic gRNA for CRISPR2023363-369
4SPRINGERB. KiranmaiGraph Key-Based Encryption Technique for IoT Networks: Graph-Affine Cipher2023487-491
5SPRINGERDr.Kishore BabuSyn Flood DDoS Attack Detection with Different Multilayer Perceptron Optimization Techniques Using Uncorrelated Feature Subsets Selected by Different Correlation Methods2023249–260
6Bluerose PublishersDr. V ArunaIntroduction to Operating Systems20239357044442
7NTLDr J SreedharAn Integrated Approach to Digital Computer Networks2023978-81-953929-8-8
8IGI GLOBALDr. M SrinivasProactive DDoS Attacks Detection on the Cloud Computing Environment Using Machine Learning Techniques20239781668493175
9SpringerDr. M SrinivasUDP Flood DDoS Attack Detection Using Multilayer Perceptron Different Optimization Techniques with Pearson, Spearman and Kendall Uncorrelated Feature Subsets202321953988
10Scholars PressDR.G.NarenderBasics of cloud computing2022978-3-330-65285-9
11Blue Ink PrintersMr. T Sunil, Ms. K L S SrishaAnalysis and Design of Algorithm2022978-93-92473-04-3
12SpringerAjith K JainOptimization Techniques in Deep Learning Scenarios:An Emperical Comparison2022
13BH International PublicationsDr.B Kiranmai,Dr. Jyoshna BejjamNetwork Security2021978-81-949705-8-3
14SpringerDr.B KiranmaiLecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communication/Unknown Attack Detection in Cloud Based on Correlation Analysis2021978-981-16-162-83-8-22
15SpringerDr.B KiranmaiLecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communication/Machine Learning-Based Breeding Values Prediction System2021978-981-16-6289-8
16Princeton PressDr. M AnuradhaMachine Learning:Principles and Applications2021978-920-5-20215-9
17Wiley Scrivener PublishingAjith K JainPerspective Analysis of Regularization and Optimization Techniques in Machine Learning2021978-111-97-85-750