Top 12 Apps of 2013

Best apps

The most popular app of the year if not all over the country, definitely in Delhi is the AamAadmi Party! Jokes apart, here are a few apps of 2013 that are worth having.


This is an application initiated by Channel V, which is basically a location tracker. If you’re in an uncomfortable situation or you sense any sort of danger, this app can prove to be a life saver. On clicking the power button of your Smartphone twice, the app will send out alert messages to the contacts you saved as guardians, along with your location. This is a must have app for the Urban girls. It’s available for free on Android market, Apple app store and Windows store.

• Audible

Audible app for Smartphone

Audible app

Do you have the time to read all the books you want to? If your answer is a no, here is an app for all the weary-eyed folk, which will read you out any book you want to on the go. You can listen to any book once you register on to this app. This is an Amazon company app which is available on Play Store, iOS and Windows store.

• Allthecooks Recipes

Everyone who saw the Master Chef Junior has envied the kids for their knack of cooking. Well here is an app that has some delicious recipes which you can try whenever you have a zeal for cooking. Once you ‘favorite’ a recipe you can access it anytime. That’s not all, once you have experimented with a new yummy dish, you can submit your own recipe and let the world try it too!

• Duolingo


Have you ever thought of ‘Die Fähigkeit, vieleSprachenkennen?’ That’s the ability of knowing many languages in German. I know we all have this ‘Engineering padne keliye hi time nai hai, yeh sab karneka time kiskohai? ‘ attitude, but this app is a great way of learning a new language. It has multiple languages to select from and has tests to check your pronunciation as well.


How many of us follow the NEWS regularly? We are KMITians, man! We are always busy, right? Flipboard is an app that helps you build your own magazine.Once you select all your interests,flipboard will add all that news to a single place. You can save the articles or blogs you like. Google Play Stand is another app that’s effectively useful for getting to know the NEWS; this new app has the interface which gives you the feel of actually reading a magazine.

• SnapChat


This is app gives a new way of chatting, you can send a picture or a video to your friends by adding captions to it. The snap disappears unless the person you sent the picture to, takes a screenshot of it. The whole point of this app is to share the moment you’re in with your friends and family. I love snapchatting with my cousins overseas.

• Dropbox

Best app for segregating all your pictures, videos, docs and saving them. It’s a great way to share your files as well, plus there’s never losing your stuff.

• Vine

Have you seen the FB page ‘Hyderabadi Vines’, you must check it out! This very page originates from the app, Vine, the feature of this is that it enables as less as six seconds clip length and editing it before sharing. This is intrinsically for sharing your life on Twitter and Facebook.

• Bubbli

This is a new iPhone app that lets you create 360 degree photographs! That’s not it, you can add audio to this picture as well. Once you use this app, I bet regular pictures can look boring.

• Serendip

serendip app

This app connects users with similar music taste, in other words ‘music soul mates’. It connects with you social networking sites and enables you to follow people who are already using Serendip, unless you choose not to. Once connected to your friends who have the same taste in music, the music they are sharing will become your playlist. There’s no hassle of searching for songs in music library.

• Meetup

This is a great app that lets you find local community groups in your city with a wide variety of interests. Meetup in Hyderabad has a lot of clubs varying from cycling to foodies. There’s bird watching, traveling, sports club are few to name. If you have no clue how to spend your semester holidays, get this app!

• StudyBlue

Studyblue app

Do you make short notes while studying for an exam and tend to lose it after some time? Well I do that often! I prepare few points while studying for internals and by the time semester exams come around, those notes disappear! Or they’re all mixed up and there’s no subject wise segregation, that’s when this app comes in handy. You can make your own flash cards and refer to them when you want to revise on topics you have studied. You can search for flashcards made by fellow students if you have no time to create your own ones.

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