S.No | Accession Number | Author | Title | Edition/Year | Publisher | Source |
1 | CSE 001 | Behrouz A Forouzan | Computer Science: A structured Programming Approach |
2007 | Thomson Learning | Central Library |
2 | CSE 002 | Behrouz A Forouzan | Computer Science: A structured Programming Approach |
2007 | Thomson Learning | Central Library |
3 | CSE 003 | P Padmanabum | C and Data structures | 2009 | BS Publication | Central Library |
4 | CSE 004 | Dennis Ritche | The C Programming Language | 1988 | Prentice Hall | Central Library |
5 | CSE 005 | Mitchel T Good Rich | Data structure and Algorithms in C++ | 2004 | Wiley India | Central Library |
6 | CSE 006 | Sartaj Shani | DS Algorithms & Applications in C++ | 2005 | Uninversity Press PVT LTD. | Central Library |
7 | CSE 007 | Sartaj Shani | DS Algorithms & Applications in C++ | 2005 | Uninversity Press PVT LTD. | Central Library |
8 | CSE 008 | Mark Allen weise | Data structure and Algorithms Analysis in C++ |
2006 | Pearson | Central Library |
9 | CSE 009 | Carl Hamachaer | Computer Organization | 2002 | Mc Hill | Central Library |
10 | CSE 010 | Carl Hamachaer | Computer Organization | 2002 | Mc Hill | Central Library |
11 | CSE 011 | William Stallings | Computer Organization and Architecture |
2006 | Pearson | Central Library |
12 | CSE 012 | KLP Mishra | Theory of Computer Science | 2007 | Printics Hall of India | Central Library |
13 | CSE 013 | John E HopCropt | Introduction to Automata Theory Languages and Computation |
2007 | Pearson | Central Library |
14 | CSE 014 | Michel Sipser | Introduction to TOC | 2007 | Thomson Learning | Central Library |
15 | CSE 015 | JP Trembly | Descrete Mathematic Structures | 1997 | TMH | Central Library |
16 | CSE 016 | GSS Bhishma Rao | Mathemetical Foundation of Computer Science | 2011 | SciTech | Central Library |
17 | CSE 017 | C J Date | An Introduction to Data base systems | 2004 | Dorling Kindereley PVT.LTD. | Central Library |
18 | CSE 018 | Raghuram Krishna | Data base management Systems | 2003 | Mc Graw Hill | Central Library |
19 | CSE 019 | Raghuram Krishna | Data base management Systems | 2004 | Mc Graw Hill | Central Library |
20 | CSE 020 | Henry F Korth | Database System Concepts | 2006 | Mc Graw Hill | Central Library |
21 | CSE 021 | Timothy Budd | Understanding Object Oriented Programming with JAVA |
2007 | Pearson | Central Library |
22 | CSE 022 | Herbert Schildt | The Complete Reference JAVA | 2007 | Tata McGraw Hill | Central Library |
23 | CSE 023 | Thomas H Coronem | Introduction to Algorithms | 2001 | Printics Hall of India | Central Library |
24 | CSE 024 | Ellis Horowitz | Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms | 2010 | Uninversity Press PVT LTD. | Central Library |
25 | CSE 025 | William Stallings | Cryptography and Network Security | 2007 | Pearson | Central Library |
26 | CSE 026 | William Stallings | Network Security Essentials | 2007 | Pearson | Central Library |
27 | CSE 027 | Robert N Sebesta | Programming the world wide web | 2008 | Pearson | Central Library |
28 | CSE 028 | Chris Bates | Web Programming Building Java Applications |
2002 | Wiley India | Central Library |
29 | CSE 029 | Robert Silberschaz | Operating System Principles | 2006 | Wiley India | Central Library |
30 | CSE 030 | A K Ray | Advanced Micro Processors and Peripherals |
2011 | TMH | Central Library |
31 | CSE 031 | Douglas V Hall | Microprocessors and Interfacing | 2011 | TMH | Central Library |
32 | CSE 032 | Robert W Sebesta | Concepts of Programming Languages | 2009 | Pearson | Central Library |
33 | CSE 033 | David A Walt | Programming Language Design Concepts | 2006 | Willy | Central Library |
34 | CSE 034 | V Aho Ullman | Compiler Principals Techniq. Tools | 2007 | Pearson | Central Library |
35 | CSE 035 | V Aho Ullman | Compiler Principals Techniq. Tools | 2007 | Pearson | Central Library |
36 | CSE 036 | Rajib Mall | Fundamentals of Software | 2007 | Printics Hall of India | Central Library |
37 | CSE 037 | Rogu S Pressman | Software Engineering a Practical Approach |
2005 | McGraw Hill | Central Library |
38 | CSE 038 | ForoZan | Data Communication and Networking | 2013 | McGraw Hill | Central Library |
39 | CSE 039 | Andrew S Tanenbaum | Computer Networks | 2008 | Pearson | Central Library |
40 | CSE 040 | Hors Erik Erikson | UML2 Tool Kit | 2010 | Wiley | Central Library |
41 | CSE 041 | Grady Booch | The Unified Modeling Language User Guide | 2006 | Pearson | Central Library |
42 | CSE 042 | Ramesh Nagappan | Developing JAVA Web Services | 2011 | Wiley | Central Library |
43 | CSE 043 | Mani Subramanian | Network Management Principles and Practices |
2007 | Pearson | Central Library |
44 | CSE 044 | Boris Beizer | Software Testing and Techniques | 2006 | Dream Tech | Central Library |
45 | CSE 045 | Boris Beizer | Software Testing and Techniques | 2007 | Dream Tech | Central Library |
46 | CSE 046 | Walker Royce | Software Project Management | 2011 | Pearson | Central Library |
47 | CSE 047 | Rajkamal | Mobile Computing | 2012 | Oxford | Central Library |
48 | CSE 048 | Jochen Schiller | Mobile Computing | 2003 | Pearson | Central Library |
49 | CSE 049 | Andrew S Tanenbaum | Distributed Systems Principles | 2007 | Pearson | Central Library |
50 | CSE 050 | George Colouris | Distributed Systems Concepts & Design | 2013 | Pearson | Central Library |
51 | CSE 051 | Wilbert O Galitz | The Essential Guide to User interface Design |
2008 | Wiley India | Central Library |
52 | CSE 052 | Benshneiderman | Designing the user Interface | 2007 | Pearson | Central Library |
53 | CSE 053 | Donald Hearn M Paulin Baker | Computer Graphics | 2007 | Pearson | Central Library |
54 | CSE 054 | Stuart Russell | Artificial Intelligence | 2007 | Pearson | Central Library |
55 | CSE 055 | W Richards Stevens Bill Fenner | UNIX Network Programming | 2004 | Pearson | Central Library |
56 | CSE 056 | Behrouz A Forouzan Richard F Gilberg | UNIX and Shell Programming | 2003 | Cengage Publication | Central Library |
57 | CSE 057 | Sumithabha Das | Your UNIX the Ultimate Guide | 2008 | TMGH | Central Library |
58 | CSE 058 | James Keogh | J2ME the Complete Reference | 2011 | TMGH | Central Library |
59 | CSE 059 | Ravi Kalakota | Frontiers of Electronic Commerce | 2009 | Pearson | Central Library |
60 | CSE 060 | Arun K Pujari | Data Mining Techniques | 2007 | University Press | Central Library |
61 | CSE 061 | Margaret H Dunhun | Datamining Introductory and Advanced Topics |
2006 | Pearson | Central Library |
62 | CSE 062 | Brahma Dathan | OOAD and Implimentation | 2010 | University Press | BS |
63 | CSE 063 | Brahma Dathan | OOAD and Implimentation | 2010 | University Press | BS |
64 | CSE 064 | Coronel | Database Principles , Fundamentals of Design and Implimentation |
2013 | Cengage Publication | BS |
65 | CSE 065 | Coronel | Database Principles , Fundamentals of Design and Implimentation |
2013 | Cengage Publication | BS |
66 | CSE 066 | Robert W Sebesta | Programming the world wide web | 2014 | Pearson | BS |
67 | CSE 067 | Robert W Sebesta | Programming the world wide web | 2014 | Pearson | BS |
68 | CSE 068 | Duglas V Hall | Microprocessors and Interfacing | 2011 | McGraw Hill India PVT.LTD. | BS |
69 | CSE 069 | Duglas V Hall | Microprocessors and Interfacing | 2011 | McGraw Hill India PVT.LTD. | BS |
70 | CSE 070 | Raghuram Krishna | Database Management Systems | 2014 | McGraw Hill India PVT.LTD. | BS |
71 | CSE 071 | Raghuram Krishna | Database Management Systems | 2014 | McGraw Hill India PVT.LTD. | BS |
72 | CSE 072 | Satzinger | Object Oriented Analysis Design | 2005 | Cengage Publication | BS |
73 | CSE 073 | Satzinger | Object Oriented Analysis Design | 2005 | Cengage Publication | BS |
74 | CSE 074 | Wayne Tomasi | Introduction to Data Communicaion and Networking |
2007 | Pearson | BS |
75 | CSE 075 | Wayne Tomasi | Introduction to Data Communicaion and Networking |
2007 | Pearson | BS |
76 | CSE 076 | Roberta Bragg | The Complete Reference Network Security |
2004 | McGraw Hill | BS |
77 | CSE 077 | Roberta Bragg | The Complete Reference Network Security |
2006 | McGraw Hill | BS |
78 | CSE 078 | Roger S Pressman | Software Engineering a Practical Approach |
2005 | McGraw Hill | BS |
79 | CSE 079 | Roger S Pressman | Software Engineering a Practical Approach |
2005 | McGraw Hill | BS |
80 | CSE 080 | Herbert Schildt | The Complete Reference JAVA | 2014 | McGraw Hill | BS |
81 | CSE 081 | Herbert Schildt | The Complete Reference JAVA | 2014 | McGraw Hill | BS |
82 | CSE 082 | Grady Booch | The UML User Guide | 2006 | Pearson | BS |
83 | CSE 083 | Grady Booch | The UML User Guide | 2006 | Pearson | BS |
84 | CSE 084 | M Morris Mano | Computer System Architecture | 2017 | Pearson | BS |
85 | CSE 085 | John E HopCropt | Introduction to Automata Theory Languages and Computation |
2008 | Pearson | BS |
86 | CSE 086 | John E HopCropt | Introduction to Automata Theory Languages and Computation |
2008 | Pearson | BS |
87 | CSE 087 | C J Date | An Introduction to Data base systems | 2006 | Pearson | BS |
88 | CSE 088 | C J Date | An Introduction to Data base systems | 2006 | Pearson | BS |
89 | CSE 089 | Carl Hamachaer | Computer Organization | 2011 | McGraw Hill | BS |
90 | CSE 090 | Carl Hamachaer | Computer Organization | 2011 | McGraw Hill | BS |
91 | CSE 091 | Silberschartz A | Operating System Concepts | 2014 | Wiley | BS |
92 | CSE 092 | Silberschartz A | Operating System Concepts | 2014 | Wiley | BS |
93 | CSE 093 | Jaime Nino , Husch | An Introduction to Programming and OOAD Using JAVA |
2013 | Wiley | BS |
94 | CSE 094 | Ellis Horowitz | Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms | 2007 | University Press | BS |
95 | CSE 095 | R.F.Gilberg | Data Structures | 2005 | Cengage Publication | BS |
96 | CSE 096 | R.F.Gilberg | Data Structures | 2005 | Cengage Publication | BS |
97 | CSE 097 | M E Whitman | Principles of Infromation Security | 2018 | Cengage Publication | BS |
98 | CSE 098 | M E Whitman | Principles of Infromation Security | 2018 | Cengage Publication | BS |
99 | CSE 099 | B.L.Menezes | Cryptography and Network Security & Cyber Laws |
2018 | Cengage Publication | BS |
100 | CSE 100 | B.L.Menezes | Cryptography and Network Security & Cyber Laws |
2018 | Cengage Publication | BS |
101 | CSE 101 | Terrace Chan | UNIX System Programming using C++ | 2015 | Pearson | BS |
102 | CSE 102 | Terrace Chan | UNIX System Programming using C++ | 2015 | Pearson | BS |
103 | CSE 103 | P.H.Dave | Design and Analysis of Algorithms | 2013 | Pearson | BS |
104 | CSE 104 | P.H.Dave | Design and Analysis of Algorithms | 2013 | Pearson | BS |
105 | CSE 105 | Limaye | Software Tools, Principles, | 2017 | McGraw Hill | BS |
106 | CSE 106 | Limaye | Software Tools, Principles, | 2017 | McGraw Hill | BS |
107 | CSE 107 | W.A Shay | Understanding Data Communications and Networking |
2008 | BS Publication | BS |
108 | CSE 108 | W.A Shay | Understanding Data Communications and Networking |
2008 | BS Publication | BS |
109 | CSE 109 | Arun K Pujari | Data Mining Techniques | 2014 | University Press | BS |
110 | CSE 110 | A.V.Aho | Compiler Principals Techniq. Tools | 2013 | Pearson | BS |
111 | CSE 111 | A.V.Aho | Compiler Principals Techniq. Tools | 2013 | Pearson | BS |
112 | CSE 112 | Paul Deitel | Internet & World wide web | 2018 | Pearson | BS |
113 | CSE 113 | Paul Deitel | Internet & World wide web | 2018 | Pearson | BS |
114 | CSE 114 | B.A.Forouzan | CS: A Structural Programming Approach Using C |
2007 | Cengage Publication | BS |
115 | CSE 115 | B.A.Forouzan | CS: A Structural Programming Approach Using C |
2007 | Cengage Publication | BS |
116 | CSE 116 | Subrata Saha | Basic Computation & Programming with C | 2016 | Cambridge University Press | BS |
117 | CSE 117 | Subrata Saha | Basic Computation & Programming with C | 2016 | Cambridge University Press | BS |
118 | CSE 118 | Pradip Dey | Programming in C | 2018 | Oxford University Press | BS |
119 | CSE 119 | Pradip Dey | Programming in C | 2018 | Oxford University Press | BS |
120 | CSE 120 | Herbert Schildt | JAVA: The Complete Reference | 2017 | Mc.Graw Hill | BS |
121 | CSE 121 | Herbert Schildt | JAVA: The Complete Reference | 2017 | Mc.Graw Hill | BS |
122 | CSE 122 | R.C.T. Lee | Introduction to Design & Analysis of Algorithms |
2005 | Mc.Graw Hill | BS |
123 | CSE 123 | R.C.T. Lee | Introduction to Design & Analysis of Algorithms |
2005 | Mc.Graw Hill | BS |
124 | CSE 124 | ForoZan | Data Communication and Networking | 2019 | Mc.Graw Hill | BS |
125 | CSE 125 | ForoZan | Data Communication and Networking | 2019 | Mc.Graw Hill | BS |
126 | CSE 126 | A Silberschatz | Data base Concepts | 2013 | Mc.Graw Hill | BS |
127 | CSE 127 | A Silberschatz | Data base Concepts | 2013 | Mc.Graw Hill | BS |
128 | CSE 128 | S Lipschutz | Data Structure with C | 2019 | Mc.Graw Hill | BS |
129 | CSE 129 | S Lipschutz | Data Structure with C | 2019 | Mc.Graw Hill | BS |
130 | CSE 130 | B.A.Forouzan | Cryptography & Network Security | 2018 | Mc.Graw Hill | BS |
131 | CSE 131 | B.A.Forouzan | Cryptography & Network Security | 2018 | Mc.Graw Hill | BS |
132 | CSE 132 | A.A.Appel | Modern Compiler Implimentation in C | 2014 | Cambridge University Press | BS |
133 | CSE 133 | A.A.Appel | Modern Compiler Implimentation in C | 2014 | Cambridge University Press | BS |
134 | CSE 134 | K.R.Venugopal | Mastering C | 2007 | McGraw Hill | BS |
135 | CSE 135 | K.R.Venugopal | Mastering C | 2007 | McGraw Hill | BS |
136 | CSE 136 | A.S.Tanenbaum | Modern Operating System | 2019 | Pearson | BS |
137 | CSE 137 | Herbert Schildt | The Complete Reference C | 2017 | McGraw Hill | BS |
138 | CSE 138 | Herbert Schildt | The Complete Reference C | 2017 | McGraw Hill | BS |
139 | CSE 139 | Rajkumar Buyya | Cloud Computing Principles and Paradigm |
2011 | Willy | BS |
140 | CSE 140 | Rajkumar Buyya | Cloud Computing Principles and Paradigm |
2011 | Willy | BS |
141 | CSE 141 | William & Perry | Effictive Methods for Software Testing | 2015 | Willy | BS |
142 | CSE 142 | William & Perry | Effictive Methods for Software Testing | 2015 | Willy | BS |
143 | CSE 143 | K.L.P.Mishra | Theory of Computer Science | 2019 | PHI Learning PVT.LTD. | BS |
144 | CSE 144 | K.L.P.Mishra | Theory of Computer Science | 2019 | PHI Learning PVT.LTD. | BS |
145 | CSE 145 | E. Horwitz, S Sahni | Fundamentals of Data Structures in C | 2019 | University Press | BS |
146 | CSE 146 | E. Horwitz, S Sahni | Fundamentals of Data Structures in C | 2019 | University Press | BS |
147 | CSE 147 | Boris Beizer | Software Testing and Techniques | 2017 | Dream Tech | BS |
148 | CSE 148 | Boris Beizer | Software Testing and Techniques | 2017 | Dream Tech | BS |
149 | CSE 149 | Nina Godbole | Information System Security | 2019 | Willy | BS |
150 | CSE 150 | Nina Godbole | Information System Security | 2019 | Willy | BS |
151 | CSE 151 | Raṃiz Elmasri | Fundamentals of Database systems | 2019 | Pearson | BS |
152 | CSE 152 | Raṃiz Elmasri | Fundamentals of Database systems | 2019 | Pearson | BS |
153 | CSE 153 | A.V.Aho | Data Structures and Algorithms | 2006 | Pearson | BS |
154 | CSE 154 | A.V.Aho | Data Structures and Algorithms | 2006 | Pearson | BS |
155 | CSE 155 | S Keshav | An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking |
2007 | Pearson | BS |
156 | CSE 156 | S Keshav | An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking |
2007 | Pearson | BS |
157 | CSE 157 | Srinivasan Desikhan | Software Testing Principles and Practice | 2007 | Pearson | BS |
158 | CSE 158 | Srinivasan Desikhan | Software Testing Principles and Practice | 2007 | Pearson | BS |
159 | CSE 159 | Craig Carman | Applying UML Patterns | 2018 | Pearson | BS |
160 | CSE 160 | Craig Carman | Applying UML Patterns | 2018 | Pearson | BS |
161 | CSE 161 | A.S.Tanenbaum | Computer Networks | 2019 | Pearson | BS |
162 | CSE 162 | A.S.Tanenbaum | Computer Networks | 2019 | Pearson | BS |
163 | CSE 163 | M.Morris Mano | Computer System Architecture | 2017 | Pearson | BS |
164 | CSE 164 | Cay S Horst Mann | Core JAVA | 2017 | Pearson | BS |
165 | CSE 165 | K.V.N.Sunitha | Formal Language and Automata Theory | 2015 | Pearson | BS |
166 | CSE 166 | Hall | Core Servelets and JAVA Server Pages | 2013 | Pearson | BS |
167 | CSE 167 | Naresh Chauhan | Software Testing | 2016 | Oxford University Press | BS |
168 | CSE 168 | Naresh Chauhan | Software Testing | 2016 | Oxford University Press | BS |
169 | CSE 169 | Uttam K Ray | Web Technologies | 2008 | Oxford University Press | BS |
170 | CSE 170 | Uttam K Ray | Web Technologies | 2008 | Oxford University Press | BS |
171 | CSE 171 | Roger S Pressman | Software Engineering a Practical Approach |
2019 | McGraw Hill | BS |
172 | CSE 172 | Roger S Pressman | Software Engineering a Practical Approach |
2019 | McGraw Hill | BS |
173 | CSE 173 | Stevan Holzner | The Complete Reference PHP. | 2008 | McGraw Hill | BS |
174 | CSE 174 | Stevan Holzner | The Complete Reference PHP. | 2009 | McGraw Hill | BS |
175 | CSE 175 | Craig Zacker | The Complete Reference PC Hardware | 2018 | McGraw Hill | BS |
176 | CSE 176 | Jawei Han | Data Mining Concepts & Techniques | 2012 | Relx India Pvt.Ltd. | BS |
177 | CSE 177 | Jawei Han | Data Mining Concepts & Techniques | 2012 | Relx India Pvt.Ltd. | BS |
178 | CSE 178 | C Fox Kai Hang | Distribute Cloud Computing | 2012 | Relx India Pvt.Ltd. | BS |
179 | CSE 179 | C Fox Kai Hang | Distribute Cloud Computing | 2012 | Relx India Pvt.Ltd. | BS |
180 | CSE 180 | L Patterson | Computer Networks | 2012 | Relx India Pvt.Ltd. | BS |
181 | CSE 181 | Richard A Johnson | An Introduction to JAVA Programming & Object oriented Application Development |
2016 | Cengage Publication | BS |
182 | CSE 182 | Larne Pekowsky | JAVA Server Pages | 2008 | Pearson | BS |
183 | CSE 183 | Michel Miller | The Internet of Things | 2015 | Pearson | BS |
184 | CSE 184 | Michel Miller | The Internet of Things | 2015 | Pearson | BS |
185 | CSE 185 | IAN Somerville | Software Engineering | 2017 | Pearson | BS |
186 | CSE 186 | IAN Somerville | Software Engineering | 2017 | Pearson | BS |
187 | CSE 187 | A.V.Aho | The Desing &Analysis of Computer Algorithms |
2012 | Pearson | BS |
188 | CSE 188 | A.V.Aho | The Desing &Analysis of Computer Algorithms |
2012 | Pearson | BS |
189 | CSE 189 | William Stallings | Network Security Essentials | 2012 | Pearson | BS |
190 | CSE 190 | William Stallings | Network Security Essentials | 2012 | Pearson | BS |
191 | CSE 191 | Willam Stallings | Operating System Internals & Design Principals |
2018 | Pearson | BS |
192 | CSE 192 | Willam Stallings | Operating System Internals & Design Principals |
2018 | Pearson | BS |
193 | CSE 193 | Larry L Constantine | Fundamentals of OOAD in UML | 2006 | Pearson | BS |
194 | CSE 194 | Larry L Constantine | Fundamentals of OOAD in UML | 2006 | Pearson | BS |
195 | CSE 195 | Sumithabha Das | UNIX Concepts and Applications | 2019 | McGraw Hill | BS |
196 | CSE 196 | Sumithabha Das | UNIX Concepts and Applications | 2019 | McGraw Hill | BS |
197 | CSE 197 | William Stallings | Cryptogrraphy & Network Security | 2017 | Pearson | BS |
198 | CSE 198 | William Stallings | Cryptogrraphy & Network Security | 2017 | Pearson | BS |
199 | CSE 199 | Andrew S Tanenbaum | Structured Computer Organization | 2016 | Pearson | BS |
200 | CSE 200 | Andrew S Tanenbaum | Structured Computer Organization | 2016 | Pearson | BS |
201 | CSE 201 | Willam Stallings | Computer Organization and Architecture | 2017 | Pearson | BS |
202 | CSE 202 | Willam Stallings | Computer Organization and Architecture | 2017 | Pearson | BS |
203 | CSE 203 | Bjarne Srostrup | The C++ Programming Language | 2018 | Pearson | BS |
204 | CSE 204 | Bjarne Srostrup | The C++ Programming Language | 2018 | Pearson | BS |
205 | CSE 205 | Julie C Meloni | PHP, MySQL and Apache | 2012 | Dorling Kindereley PVT.LTD. | BS |
206 | CSE 206 | Larme Pekowsky | JAVA Server Pages | 2008 | Pearson | BS |
207 | CSE 207 | Ponkaj Jolotics | Software Engineering a Precise Approach | 2018 | Willy | BS |
208 | CSE 208 | Ponkaj Jolotics | Software Engineering a Precise Approach | 2018 | Willy | BS |
209 | CSE 209 | Abraham Silberschatz | Operating Systems Concepts | 2019 | Willy | BS |
210 | CSE 210 | Abraham Silberschatz | Operating Systems Concepts | 2019 | Willy | BS |
211 | CSE 211 | P Radha Krishna | Object Oriented Programming through JAVA | 2011 | University Press | BS |
212 | CSE 212 | P Radha Krishna | Object Oriented Programming through JAVA | 2011 | University Press | BS |
213 | CSE 213 | Ellis Horowitz | Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++ | 2018 | University Press | BS |
214 | CSE 214 | Ellis Horowitz | Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++ | 2018 | University Press | BS |
215 | CSE 215 | Niel Matthew | Beginning LINUX Programming | 2018 | Willy | BS |
216 | CSE 216 | Niel Matthew | Beginning LINUX Programming | 2018 | Willy | BS |
217 | CSE 217 | Joseph D Dumas | Computer Architecture Fundamentals and Principals of Computer Design |
2018 | CRC Press | BS |
218 | CSE 218 | Joseph D Dumas | Computer Architecture Fundamentals and Principals of Computer Design |
2018 | CRC Press | BS |
219 | CSE 219 | Richard A Johnson | An Introduction to JAVA Programming & Object oriented Application Development |
2007 | Cengage Publication | BS |