Nano Robotics

Nanorobotics is an emerging field,concered with creating machines or robots whose components are measured in nanometers. Nano machines created by nanorobots are greatly used in the R&D line of Medicine.

Diamondoid nanorobot is a good example of a nanorobot used in medical R&D phase. Named after the highly stable and strong diamond, these bots are a proof of huge strides being taken in bio-medical technology.

A Diamondoid Nanorobot

A gradually growing field, advances in biomedical instrumentation lead to the design and building of diamondoid based nanorobots.

Our bodies are made up of complex structures of tissues- active molecular structures. Medicinal repair may change the way body functions as a whole, but at molecular level it remains crude. These bots function; rather work in the human bloodstream and tissues, repairing the damaged molecular tissue. It has a powerful navigation system and wide range of sensors to navigate through the human body along with a powerful transport sub system to molecular delivery system. A broadcasting system enables them to connect to other nanorobots and macrocomputers which helps control the bot externally.

Named after the highly stable and strong diamond, these bots are a proof of huge achievement in bio-medical technology, and perhaps a glimpse of things to come.

Source: Fight aging.



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