Inspired by Fictional character : Tyler Durden,
FightClub (1996 novel by Chuck Palahniuk),
(Portrayed by Brad Pitt, FightClub , 1999 film)..


*Tyler interrupts and thrusts the gun at point blank range*

Tyler: “Would you rather be dead??

Raymond: No… No… Plea…” *more tears roll out of his eyes*

Tyler: “Would you rather die, here? Behind this convenience store??

Raymond:*crying louder*

 No…No… Please… Don’t kill me…

Edward: “Oh, god… Tyler stop all this…and let him go!!!


Tyler gives a brief pause. At the end of the barrel is Raymond, trembling on his knees, facing down with sweat dripping down his forehead onto the muzzle of pistol.Tyler  puts the pistol away into his leather jacket

Edward sighs in relief though still in shock, as Raymond is too petrified to notice anything.


Tyler: *pulls out something from his wallet*

I’m taking your license. Going to check in on you. I know where you live…

*Raymond slowly opens his eyes and looks up, now almost shivering  *

*Taylor throws the wallet on his face*
Taylor: “If you’re not on your way to being a veterinarian, starting from tomorrow…You’ll be dead!!!

*Raymond bursts crying hearing the last few words*

*Taylor stares hard at him…waits for the final words to sink in and puts the pistol back in his leather jacket*

 Now, run home…

*Raymond picks his wallet and immediately runs to the backdoor and rushes through the convenience store banging into few display boards and tripping on groceries only to make it to the exit on the farther side, and then Raymond was gone .And as the sound of his fast strides faded away in the dark silent night, the noise of cricketing insects, from nearby bushes, filled the void between them in the backyard

 Taylor turns around and looks at Edward*

Edward: “I feel sick…

Tyler: *safely tucking Raymond’s license into his own wallet*

Imagine how he feels…

*and then Tyler starts walking towards the backdoor to get to his car in front of the convenience store*

Edward: *completely lost and angry*

Oh come on…Do you think it was funny?

He is just a random poor guy, there’s nothing wrong in what he does … “

*Tyler takes the pistol out of the leather jacket, and throws it at Edward*

Edward: *Edward catches it in the fear of misfire and yells back at Tyler,now terrified about the pistol*

What’s the matter with you?? And where did you get this pistol from??

Tyler: “I bought it at a convenience store just like this one…

Tyler opens the door and leaves the backyard, the door closes slowly behind him,with its rusty hinges making it squeak…
Edward looks at Tyler’s image fade away on the other side of the store ..
He then looks at the pistol and unlocks the pistol’s chamber and just as the backdoor was closing he grabs it and closes it behind him with a thud.

There were no bullets….


Undoubtedly,everyone of us think our mind controls our lives. But we are different from our mind. We are the watchers of the mind who should keep it in order whenever it goes out of control .But how will we know that the mind is not in control? Do we need a Tyler Durden holding a pistol at our head and give us a life-death situation every time we fail to realize our mind deceiving us?

We,who are beyond the mind, have the control.We drive the car, using the steering (called mind).Our very own minds deceive us from this truth.The mind is a steering wheel to be controlled.There’s always a voice in your head which tells you against your mind. Listen to the battle in your head, and make a choice so that you can live up to it.

There’s a Raymond K. Hessel in each of us.

There’s a Tyler Durden in each of us.


But, Is the Tyler inside us really trustworthy? If we choose to listen to him,will he hurt us like the mind did? . If he’s dangerous ,then, why are there no bullets in the pistol?


*Edward walks up to the far side of the car where Tyler was standing*

Edward: “What’ the hell’s the point of all this?

 *Tyler stares hard at the convenience store *

Tyler: “Tomorrow will be the most beautiful day of Raymond K. Hessel’s life…

His breakfast will taste better than any meal you and I have ever tasted…

Edward, without a word, sits in the car , taking his time to digest all these facts.
Tyler starts the engine and drives away, as Edward slowly finds himself convinced by what Tyler has done.


Note : The writer suggests you to read the articles again placing yourself as Raymond K. Hessel, your mind to be Edward Norton, and your guide through this fight in your head, that voice in the back of your head as Tyler Durden. 

You are beyond this Mind !



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