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The Millionaire Dream

Growing up in a middle-class family, my biggest dream has always been to make lots of money and show my parents how grateful I am. I wanted to work hard, stand on my own, and take away all the financial worries they face. This dream isn’t just mine; I think every kid, at some point, wishes they could do the same for their parents.


In our burning quest to achieve this dream, we, as teenagers, often look for shortcuts to wealth, driven by the desire to avoid hard work at an age where the value of perseverance is yet to be fully appreciated. The harsh reality that earning money is a product of relentless effort, demanding every bit of dedication and hard work, doesn’t dawn on us easily. As we navigate through various schemes in search of quick financial gains, instead of committing to the grind, we frequently find ourselves ensnared in scams or caught up in deceptive illusions.


The stock market has emerged as a particularly captivating mirage for many youngsters, more so following the popularity of narratives like the ‘Harshad Mehta’ series, which has undoubtedly added to its allure. Talking about one’s stock investments has become a trendy marker of being in-the-know. However, today’s discussion veers away from the usual chatter about stocks, cryptocurrencies, or MLM schemes. Instead, we’re focusing on how some have crafted a business model that preys on these young aspirants by weaving a narrative filled with enticing terms such as ‘Invest’, ‘Risk hain toh Ishq hain’, ‘Independent’, and ‘Ambani’. These buzzwords are the bait used to construct captivating yet misleading dreams of rapid wealth accumulation. We are going to analyse how these fintech influencers create an illusion over their audience and trick them into selling expensive courses, promoting illegal companies and events, advising sponsored stocks, and a lot more. Let’s break this topic into three sections: Trust, Sell and Repent.



“I use emotion for the many and reserve reason for the few.” 

– Adolf Hitler 



Many of us face challenges as we navigate our paths, striving tirelessly to achieve the dreams we hold dear. However, placing our faith in someone who promises a shortcut to success is misguided. You possess more strength and capability than you might believe. Great men don’t grow overnight , great men grow through what they go through. It’s the journey, with its ups and downs, that we must learn to embrace. The road to success is paved with continuous effort, not quick fixes. Life’s struggles are ongoing, and our aspirations are boundless. Pause for a moment, assess your circumstances, and aim to improve gradually, rather than expecting immediate transformation. To conclude this article, I’m reminded of a quote from a Punjabi folklore of Sindh: “Saari kushiyan miljawan te piche ki reh jaana,” which translates to “What will remain if I gain all my happiness overnight?”

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